Music Flash Cards - Set A: Hal Leonard Student Piano Library

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Music Flash Cards - Set A: Hal Leonard Student Piano Library

Music Flash Cards - Set A: Hal Leonard Student Piano Library

RRP: £99
Price: £9.9
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CAN WE PLEASE REQUEST THAT YOU DO NOT USE EXPLETIVES WHEN YOU CREATE YOUR NAME? There are kids who enjoy this and we prefer that they are not exposed to negative words. Will you please do your best to honor this request? Unfortunately, due to some defiant players, who do not follow the above request, we are forced to PURGE the entries every 3 months to give people a fresh start. Your Information is Secure

Thanks to our unique get what you need guarantee (please read below) we intend to supply the most comprehensive set of instant print music flashcards available anywhere. These have both the European time Name (Crotchet, Quaver etc) AND the American Time Name (Quarter Note, Eighth note etc), so you can use whatever terminology you wish.

They'll surely recognize Middle C, and be momentarily stumped when they come across a treble Middle C and compare it to bass Middle C; they are almost identical. Scramble them again, and tell the student to arrange them from left to right, or lowest to highest, or bottom to top. Sign up to Twinkl today to explore more music resources your children will love! How can I use this set of flash cards?

Whoops! I think something’s been missed somewhere in this student’s education! Of course I spent an extra hour or so with this particular student and they got through alright, but it taught me a very valuable lesson about how students learn. Start with 2 - 4 cards, such as bass B and Middle C, and treble MC and D. Mix them up, then ask your student, "Top or bottom? TREBLE or BASS?" (High or low...left or right...) Just think – Wouldn’t it be great if you could go to your computer and print out exactly the set of flashcards you needed for a particular student, and you can pop a rubber band around them and keep them for just this student? My flashcards were pretty primitive – I simply wrote the symbols on pieces of card and covered them with clear plastic.Set a pile on the floor of MULTIPLE SETS of cards.Then say, " Put all the treble/top hand cards in one pile, and thebass/bottom handcards in a different pile!" That may be hard enough. This set of cards is a way for children to test one another on their vocabulary knowledge in school or at home. The twist is: instead of shouting 'snap!' when they find a pair, ask your kids to make the sound of the instrument! I made these many years ago and use them all the time at group lessons for team rhythm dictation games! Take a peak at a pair of siblings using these for a rhythmic dictation challenge.

If you enjoyed using these music notation flash cards, you may also wish to take a look at some of these resources:In 1996, the College Entrance Exam Board Service conducted a study on all students taking their SAT exams. Students who sang or played a musical instrument scored 51 points higher on the verbal portionof the test and an average of 39 points higher on math.“ ( reference) Music flashcards For around the cost of ONE MUSIC LESSON you can have access to all these instant print flashcards, and you can print them out straight away from your computer.

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